Sunday, December 21, 2014

Baby Eli

On December 6, Chris and I went with our parents to Columbus and found out what gender Baby Branson is. We are having a boy!! His name will be Elijah (Eli for short) Alan Branson. We have always wanted Elijah, but after seeing what it meant, it makes it that much more perfect. It means "My Lord is God." The prophet Elijah is also someone in the Bible who is often overlooked.  If you don't lnow much about him, read about him.

I am going into my 19th week and time seems to be standing still.  Everyone keeps saying to enjoy being pregnant. I have been sick, sore and just flat out exhausted. I want May to get here as soon as possible. I don't see how anyone who is pregnant can say time is flying by. I just guess I want him here. I have waited so long to get married and have a family, so I guess I just have to be patient.... I have been so far in my life.

Recently I have started feeling little kicks. It's the most emotional thing- just knowing that a human being is in there moving around. I cry sometimes when I feel it. 

We have picked out a theme for the nursery-sports, of course. It is not going to be babyish though. I am going to decorate with some things that can transition into his toddler years and older. I am thinking of red, black and creams/tans for the colors. I got something for the nursery already,  but Chris hasn't seen it yet. I want to surprise him for Christmas.  He is going to love it.

I am so excited to be on this journey even though I have been sore, sick and tired. I am even more excited to be sharing it with the most amazing husband. I can't imagine not having him there for all of this.  God has truly blessed me with a great family, husband,  a home (with room for three if we want), a job, and soon a child.

Baby Eli

He has his first Reds shirt and glove already. Thanks Gram and Gramps (my mom and dad)
Sucking his thumb and showing us he is a boy... look between the umbilical cord and his legs :-)
My family- my parents, husband and in-laws. Eli is going to be spoiled rotten!!!