Wednesday, August 5, 2015

D Day

Tomorrow is the dreaded day I have to start leaving Eli at day care. Last night I hardly slept at all because I kept thinking of having to take him. I have cried off and on all week. I hate having to drive to Dayton every day and now it is going to be worse because I have to leave Eli in Wilmington. Luckily my parents live in town and can go to the day care if they need to.

I have spent a lot of time inside by myself with Eli this summer. I have been kind of lonely, but I will cherish this summer because it is the summer I had Eli and got to spend time with him. He is the love of my life and I can't wait to spend summers playing, reading, going to the zoo, etc. Being in education has its perks. 
My baby's smile makes my day

We dedicated Eli and he was so cute... He always is, but he looked like a little man that day.