Saturday, November 22, 2014

Baby Branson Coming Soon

I have not posted an entry in a long time, but  A LOT has happened. On September 14, I took a pregnancy test after taking a negative one the previous week. It was positive.  Chris and I were both shocked and overwhelmed with joy. A couple weeks later we told our family at our Anniversary/ Chris's birthday party.

We have had our first and second appointment already and got to hear the heart beat. I bawled like a baby. It became real when we heard the heartbeat. We go again the first week of December for another appointment and then we have an appointment to find out the gender on December 6. We want a boy, but will be excited either way.

I can't believe how blessed I am. God has been there for me during lonliness,  hard times and when I felt like I was never going to find anyone to love. He answered my prayers first with Chris and now with a baby.I can't wait to share this journey with my best friend.  He is the love of my life and I can't wait for him to be a daddy. I am so excited, scared, and nervous to be a mother,  but I had a great example and I hope I can follow in her footsteps.

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